Monday, October 8, 2007

Nothing to waste

I learnt something new while watching a TV programme where an experienced trekker goes to places where many other adventurers have made mistakes and then have nearly died or have died (being lost in a jungle, forest or snow).

This time the trekker went to Scotland, a very cold place especially in Winter. The camera men followed him. He showed the viewer some survival tricks. He said that in a very difficult situation like feeling very cold or tired, he must think of the positive things like his family at home and all the nice things to keep his mind healthy. He also said that he had to keep his head warm in the extreme cold by cutting off part of his spare clothes to cover his head . Then he said that when he was anxious or stressed he tended to uninate more often. So he collected his own urine in a water bottle and then tuck it under his clothes so as not to waste the precious warmth. I never thought of that!! I have learnt something new.

Did he have another bottle for his drinking water after that? I don't think so because he had to travel light in order to move fast to find the help. Well, survival is more important than the idea of being so clean. Ask a National Service (NS) man he will tell you the same thing. Those of you who have relatives who have been to NS should encourage them to tell you their interesting stories.

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